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An Ode to My Fertility Challenged Blogging Friends & Readers

When I started blogging about my fertility (or lack their of) issues in March 2010, I had no idea where it would take me, who I would meet and what it would eventually mean to me. Yes, blogging gives me an outlet and keeps me sane (mostly) but it’s also introduced me to so many people, fellow bloggers and women like me who just want to get knocked up. Whenever I make a mental list of what good has come out of my trying to conceive saga, I always list this blog, my readers and the fellow fertility challenged friends I’ve made.

The Fertility Blogs ( who has been following my blog here on Blogger, recently asked if I would write something just for their website. The Fertility Blogs is a fertility/infertility community website that provides information, support and a means for ANYONE (including you) to share their thoughts, feelings and anecdotes as they work towards starting a family. I, of course, was honored and accepted.

Keeping in mind the overall objective of The Fertility Blogs, I wanted to write a piece about my experience of blogging while struggling to conceive. It’s called, “Blogging Through The Pain” and can be found here:

In the spirit of this piece, I do want to take a moment here on my blog to thank you from the bottom of my worn out uterus. This TTC ride has had a lot of low points but your comments, suggestions, emails, and in the case of many of you, your blogs have been immeasurably helpful, have made me laugh, cry, laugh and cry simultaneously, and reminded me of the most important thing us infertiles very often forget: We are NOT alone.

We may not know how our stories will end but we do know that we have each other… even if it is only online in cyber world.

I thank you again for absolutely everything. I wish each of you hope, laughter and a happy ending. In the meantime, I’m going to continue blogging my ass off!



6 thoughts on “An Ode to My Fertility Challenged Blogging Friends & Readers”

  1. Nice post. I completely agree. The TTC blog community is one of my biggest outlets lately. I really appreciate everyone who's sharing their struggles…and making me feel more "normal".

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