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The 2 week wait blog

After years of unprotected sex, failed timed cycles, inseminations and several IVF’s, Jennifer “Jay” Palumbo is now the mother of two boys and an outspoken and active infertility advocate. Whether you’re trying to get pregnant, going through fertility treatment, currently pregnant or a new mom, this blog captures every stage of hormonal hell and invites you to laugh along (whether you have ovaries or not) and deal with the business of getting knocked up despite the universe’s efforts to knock us down!

The 2 Week Wait Blog was awarded the Hope Award for Best Blog in 2017, from Resolve: The National Infertility Association, which is voted on by the infertility community and recognizes a blog that raises awareness about the disease of infertility and sheds light on what it is like to be living with infertility.

In 2018, it was awarded the “Infertility Social Warrior Award” and in 2019, it was named the “Best IVF Blog” by Egg Donation Friends.Com.

If you like your eggs fertilized and implanted, sit down and have a read!

The Terminal Two Week Wait

It was March 2009 that I started trying to get pregnant. I had no idea when I began this journey that my “two week wait” would become two years. What’s ...
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To Wallow or Not Wallow? That is the Question

There is a quote by the great philosopher, Homer Simpson, that I’ve always loved. So much so that I’ve mentioned it quite a few times on this blog. It goes ...
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Wish You Were Here

I have a running joke at my day job. Note that I always call it a “day job” to remind myself that what I do from 9am to 5pm is ...
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Rudy, The Lone Embryo

Rudy – The Embryo On Wednesday night, right on time, the TV aired their usual, “It’s 10pm. Do you know where your children are?” segment. Lord knows I’ve asked myself ...
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Are you there God? It’s a Pissed Off Infertile

This morning, I did something I haven’t done in a while; I went to church. I’m agnostic through and through. I don’t know if there is a god or that ...
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The WTF Fertility Report

It was around 1:30pm today that I got the call regarding my fertility report. When I heard the nurse say, “So… you had eleven eggs… and it looks like you ...
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The Golden Retrieval

I awoke this morning to a note I had left myself the night before: “Don’t forget to stick progesterone gel up your cooch!” Clearly, today is the day after my retrieval. Ever ...
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Bikini Waxing: The IVF Special

Whenever I’m about to do any fertility related activity such as an insemination or an in vitro, I always make an extensive to do list. This list usually entails doing ...
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InVitro 2 – Electric Boogaloo

One of the many lessons I didn’t want to learn about having fertility issues is special moments are rarely like you imagine them to be. I pictured how we would ...
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