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The 2 week wait blog

After years of unprotected sex, failed timed cycles, inseminations and several IVF’s, Jennifer “Jay” Palumbo is now the mother of two boys and an outspoken and active infertility advocate. Whether you’re trying to get pregnant, going through fertility treatment, currently pregnant or a new mom, this blog captures every stage of hormonal hell and invites you to laugh along (whether you have ovaries or not) and deal with the business of getting knocked up despite the universe’s efforts to knock us down!

The 2 Week Wait Blog was awarded the Hope Award for Best Blog in 2017, from Resolve: The National Infertility Association, which is voted on by the infertility community and recognizes a blog that raises awareness about the disease of infertility and sheds light on what it is like to be living with infertility.

In 2018, it was awarded the “Infertility Social Warrior Award” and in 2019, it was named the “Best IVF Blog” by Egg Donation Friends.Com.

If you like your eggs fertilized and implanted, sit down and have a read!

The Reason Is: There Isn’t One

One of the many things I’ve learned from writing this blog is that it’s always been better for me to write what I’m feeling. Anytime I’ve ever written what I ...
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Getting My Big Girl Panties Out of the Dryer

My friend Aimee is one of the most laid back people I know. Although she doesn’t smoke pot, she always seems like she’s on pot, which may not be a ...
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2010: Don’t Let The Door Hit You On The Ass On The Way Out

I have been thinking a lot about what to write as my last blog of 2010. My first inclination was to title this entry with, “Fuck Off 2010” but although ...
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The Twelve Days of Infertility (Sung to the “Twelve Days of Christmas”)

The Twelve Days of Infertility(Sung to the “Twelve Days of Christmas”) On the first day of Infertility, My true love sent to me A sperm count with great motility On ...
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I never had a pet growing up. My mom was never a fan of cats or dogs so in turn; no one in my house was allowed to have one. ...
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Hope Sinks (Momentarily)

Recently, I came across a quote by Friedrich Nietzsche that read, “Hope is the worst of evils, for it prolongs the torment of man.” My first reaction when reading this ...
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Trying to Conceive Proverbs – Part 3

Better the doctor you know than the doctor you don’t Blood is thicker than cervical mucus Count your follicles Don’t look a uterine polyp in the mouth Don’t put all ...
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My Fat Infertile Ass

The other day, I was standing on the street corner and there was a woman standing next to me who was both pregnant… yet thinner than I was. My stomach ...
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Comedy, Confusion and Closure

It’s striking how many similarities there are between pursuing a creative job and trying to conceive. Both involve working incredibly hard, extreme dedication, persistence, a sense of humor and an ...
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