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The 2 week wait blog

After years of unprotected sex, failed timed cycles, inseminations and several IVF’s, Jennifer “Jay” Palumbo is now the mother of two boys and an outspoken and active infertility advocate. Whether you’re trying to get pregnant, going through fertility treatment, currently pregnant or a new mom, this blog captures every stage of hormonal hell and invites you to laugh along (whether you have ovaries or not) and deal with the business of getting knocked up despite the universe’s efforts to knock us down!

The 2 Week Wait Blog was awarded the Hope Award for Best Blog in 2017, from Resolve: The National Infertility Association, which is voted on by the infertility community and recognizes a blog that raises awareness about the disease of infertility and sheds light on what it is like to be living with infertility.

In 2018, it was awarded the “Infertility Social Warrior Award” and in 2019, it was named the “Best IVF Blog” by Egg Donation Friends.Com.

If you like your eggs fertilized and implanted, sit down and have a read!

Snow White and the Seven Infertile Dwarfs

I’ve always thought of myself as Snow White. No, I don’t sing into wishing wells (only because we don’t have any in New York City) but I do have very ...
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I’m Tired of Peeing On Stuff.

Dear Universe, I’m tired. I’m tired of peeing on stuff. I’m tired of people reminding me my age and that the f*cking clock is ticking. Maybe my clock is digital ...
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Take My Polyp… Please!

As some of you know, I perform stand-up comedy from time to time. When I was younger and single, I use to perform on a regular basis. These days, I ...
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Sorry I Apologize So Much

Regular readers of my blog know that it’s been over a year or so that we had been trying to get pregnant and it wasn’t until this past June, that ...
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Versatile Blogger Award: You Like Me! You REALLY Like Me!

The fabulous and brilliant Slackie O. of “MY LAZY OVARIES” ( has honored me and my blog with the Versatile Blogger Award! You like me… you really like me! As ...
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Polyp of Passion!

How am I tonight? I can sum it up with these six words: Worried, pensive, anxious and craving cheese. It’s the night before my surgery to remove my loitering uterine ...
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Your Baby’s Name is What?!?

Sometimes, I think of the “Working Towards Conceiving” as one big board game. You roll the dice, you pick up cards (“Insemination Failed – go back 3” or “You Actually ...
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Shoulding All Over Myself

Lately, I’ve been finding myself waking up in the middle of the night with thoughts of doubt… I should have gotten a second opinion sooner…. I should have started trying ...
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Rebooting My Uterus

At one of my old office jobs, there was a woman in tech support named Miao. She had moved to America from China only a few years earlier and her ...
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