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National Infertility Awareness Week (#NIAW): Putting the A in Awareness!

At Pregnantish Event Every National Infertility Awareness Week, I typically end up writing two posts. One, at the “start” of the week of my initial thoughts and feelings and then one, near the “end” of the week of anything I learned or have been inspired by during the course of the week. This year, I […]

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Listen Up and then BE HEARD!

When I first read the theme of this year’s NIAW, Listen Up, my first-not-thinking-just-react-reaction was, “Wait. Shouldn’t it be speakup????” I mean haven’t us infertiles been hiding in the shadows quietly listening long enough??? We’re the ones who attend baby showers after our latest IVF failure listening to the “Oooos” and “Ahhhs” while someone else

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You Are Not Alone… Even When National Infertility Awareness Week is Over.

Every year that I’ve participated in Resolve’s National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW), I typically only post once (Here are some past years: 2012, 2013, 2014) and if you scroll down below this post, you’ll see my first post for this year – 2015.However, I felt compelled to write just one more blog to make the point

You Are Not Alone… Even When National Infertility Awareness Week is Over. Read More »

We All Agree: Infertility Is an Evil Bitch Demon

Here’s what’s going on and here’s what’s happened: As many of you know, there was much drama this past weekend on Twitter that I do hope will at least open up the infertility community to important conversations on support and sensitivity. In this post, I’m going to bring everyone up to speed who may have

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Join The Movement: We Are a Group of Determined People

 “We must remember that one determined person can make a significant difference, and that a small group of determined people can change the course of history.” – Sonia Johnson A week ago, at 4am, I woke up suddenly and I was shaking. I had a horrible dream about having a painful egg retrieval while

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