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The 2 week wait blog

After years of unprotected sex, failed timed cycles, inseminations and several IVF’s, Jennifer “Jay” Palumbo is now the mother of two boys and an outspoken and active infertility advocate. Whether you’re trying to get pregnant, going through fertility treatment, currently pregnant or a new mom, this blog captures every stage of hormonal hell and invites you to laugh along (whether you have ovaries or not) and deal with the business of getting knocked up despite the universe’s efforts to knock us down!

The 2 Week Wait Blog was awarded the Hope Award for Best Blog in 2017, from Resolve: The National Infertility Association, which is voted on by the infertility community and recognizes a blog that raises awareness about the disease of infertility and sheds light on what it is like to be living with infertility.

In 2018, it was awarded the “Infertility Social Warrior Award” and in 2019, it was named the “Best IVF Blog” by Egg Donation Friends.Com.

If you like your eggs fertilized and implanted, sit down and have a read!

The Party That Wasn’t and The Letter That Was

Despite being a social person, I’ve been pretty damn anti-social this year. There are people I’ve managed to keep in my inner circle that know everything that’s been going on ...
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It’s the Great Infertile Charlie Brown!

Last night I dreamed that literally everyone I know had a brand new baby. All my time was spent sending cards, receiving baby announcements and buying baby gifts for other people. ...
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Trying to Conceive Has Crapped on my Sex Life

Ok, let’s be honest: After months upon months of contrived and controlled sex, it makes total sense for it to affect your love life. When you first met your significant ...
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Beware of Greeks Bearing Clomid

Regular readers of my blog know I’ve been periodically posting ‘Trying to Conceive Proverbs’ (Click here: or here: ). What I do (and I admit, I have fun ...
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When Your Infertile Friends Leave the Nest

When I was single (which felt like forever), I have a partner in crime for all my single adventures. Her name was Stacey. We’d go to bars. We’d go dancing. ...
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Seize the egg! – Trying to Conceive Proverbs (Part 2)

I’m feeling a bit glum today so I figured what could be a better way to cheer myself up then with MORE TTC Proverbs! Enjoy Part 2… and trust me, ...
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Getting to Know Me – I’ve Been Tagged!

There’s this “getting-to-know-you” game that’s been making the rounds through BlogWorld and I just got tagged – I’m IT! I’m quite thrilled actually as it gives me a break from ...
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Lightning at the End of a Tunnel?

If we review the last three weeks, they include yet another failed attempt to get pregnant, food poisoning, paying full price for an HCG that I’m not even sure I’m ...
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Trying to Conceive Tailored Proverbs – Part 1

~ All’s fair in love and fertility  ~ Feed a cold. Starve a polyp.  ~ Enough is enough; unless you’re a Duggar  ~ Bad news travels fast on TTC Chat ...
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